Helpful Pool & Spa Advice
Pool & Spa Drain Safety Recall Information
Water safety is such an important consideration when considering a pool or spa. There have been many questions in recent news about whether pool drains are safe. There have been product safety recalls, which have left more questions than answers. Below is a FAQ on product drain safety recalls that was put together in cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Staff along with the Association of Pool and Spa Safety staff. If you have questions about your pool or spa, please feel free to give us a call. We suggest the following when it comes to your pool or spa:
Hot Tub Water Chemistry Guide
We have developed several steps to help keep your water clear and healthy. ALWAYS make sure your filtration pump is working and wait 30 minutes before adding different chemicals to your hot tub. If you have any questions in regards to keeping your hot tub safe and healthy, please feel free to contact one of our Customer Service Specialists for more information. You can reach us here daily via chat or e-mail or you can call us toll-free at 800-918-9143.
Understanding Your Hot Tub Circuit Board
This is a simple guide to understanding how to properly identify your spa control system circuit board, at least enough to properly identify either the circuit board part number or in the event that the sticker has become unattached to the circuit board, you can still identify it by the primary chipset part number. If your circuit board has the sticker still attached to the board, you should be able to easily identify the Balboa part number on it. It will be the first set of numbers,
Hot Tub Water Safety Information
Awareness and understanding of water safety practices can reduce the risk of serious injury. Following safe water tips are essential for you and your family to have years of enjoying your pool. Playing it smart makes sense... IMPORTANT: A number of very important items that are essential for the safe use of your pool