Posted by Bath & Spa Parts Online
Read Disclaimer At Bottom Before Attempting Repairs To Your Pool/Spa/Bath Product!

Are you preparing to go on vacation or away for an extended period of time? Worried about how your hot tub will fair during this time? We have prepared a checklist of things you should do to prepare before leaving. If you follow these steps, things should go smoothly and your hot tub will be in good condition when you return.


Test & Balance The Water Chemistry

  • Ensure the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels are properly balanced.
  • Adjust the chemicals to their ideal ranges to prevent any imbalances while you’re away.
  • Use a water testing kit to verify the chemical levels.
Shock The Water
  • Shock your hot tub water with a non-chlorine or chlorine shock.
  • This helps to oxidize contaminants and prevents bacteria growth.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate amount of shock to use.
Clean The Filters
  • Remove and clean the hot tub filters thoroughly.
  • Use a filter cleaning solution or a garden hose to rinse out debris and contaminants.
  • Ensure the filters are completely dry before reinstalling them.
Lower The Temperature
  • Reduce the water temperature to save energy and prevent overheating.
  • Set the temperature to around 80°F (27°C) or the lowest setting.
  • This will also slow down the growth of bacteria and algae.
Cover The Hot Tub
  • Securely cover your hot tub with a high-quality cover.
  • Ensure the cover is tightly fitted to prevent debris from entering the water.
  • Use cover locks or straps to keep the cover in place.
Add A Float Dispenser
  • Place a floating dispenser with slow-dissolving sanitizer tablets in the water.
  • This will help maintain the sanitizer levels while you’re away.
  • Ensure the dispenser is properly adjusted to release the correct amount of sanitizer.
Turn Off Or Reduce Circulation
  • Adjust the circulation pump settings to run less frequently if possible.
  • If your hot tub has a vacation mode, activate it to reduce energy usage.
  • Ensure there is still some circulation to prevent stagnant water.
Notify A Neighbor Or Friend
  • Ask a trusted neighbor or friend to check on your hot tub occasionally.
  • Provide them with instructions on what to look for and any maintenance tasks.
  • Leave them contact information in case they need assistance.
By following these steps, you can ensure your hot tub remains in good condition and ready for use upon your return from vacation.

If you have questions about this topic, or have a suggestion for future topics, please feel freee to let us know!

DISCLAIMER: The information contained here is here to assist you with your pool, spa, or bath. If you feel unsure or uncomfortable in these types of repairs please contact a qualified technician or contractor to assist you. The use any of the information contained herein is completely AT YOUR OWN RISK. These instructions are primarily intended for use by qualified personnel specifically trained and experienced in the installation and repair of pools, spas, or baths, electrical equipment and related system components. Installation and service personnel may be required by some states to be licensed. Persons not qualified should not attempt to install this equipment nor attempt repairs according to these instructions. Please remember that water and electricity DO NOT MIX. If you are not capable of performing a repair yourself, please contact a local spa professional or a licensed electrician in your area. This information is presented for informational purposes only, and we will not be held liable for any injuries that may result from the troubleshooting or installation of any components. Continue reading this article only with the affirmed understanding of what you just read.